This organ receives information from the entire body, including the baroreceptors, as shown by Moruzzi (80). De Sanctis, in 1899, in his book I Sogni, Studi Clinici ed Psicologici di un Alienista (Dreams, Clinical and Psychological Studies of a Psychiatrist), cites no less than 323 articles and books dealing with dreams, which proves that the objective study of dreams did not start during the middle of the 20th century, as is usually taken for granted (4). 95. The authors concluded that the correlation they found was probably involved in memory consolidation but such coincidence may indicate that during dreaming memorized information is being revoked to integrate a given dreaming pattern. Desseilles M, Dang-Vu TT, Sterpenich V, Schwartz S. Conscious Cogn. Such electrophysiological studies demonstrate that the abovementioned sites in the central nervous system are involved in the oniric movements but they do not prove that such structures generate them. activation-synthesis. On Sleep and Dreams. However, during desynchronized sleep it was drastically reduced, being entirely inhibited for most of the time. Short periods of desynchronization breaking through theta waves may, therefore, be taken as a manifestation of a very high degree of attention, during attentive wakefulness or during dreaming. Hobson JA. We suppose, instead, inasmuch as dreams are forgotten if we are not aroused while dreaming or within ten to fifteen minutes immediately after the dream has ceased, that it may well be that dreams are forgotten because the reticular activating system is highly deactivated during desynchronized sleep and thus the memory of the dreams cannot be consolidated (110). It may be more appropriate to explain the latter authors' results by reasoning that dreams are originated in memorized information and are, accordingly, closely related to events occurring before sleep. 102. J Neurophysiol 1954;17:532-57. 40. Around 80 per cent of such motor activity was found to occur during desynchronized sleep, what points to its participation in dreaming activity. The posterior areas affected in this syndrome are the visual areas V3, V3a and V4 (97). Regional cerebral glucose metabolic rate in human sleep assessed by positron emission tomography. While humans dream around 100 minutes every night, cats exhibit signs of dreaming during nearly 200 minutes per day. However, considering the high prevalence of dreams during this phase it should be more appropriately named oniric phase of sleep. Darwin C. The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. They also argue that even "expensive and cumbersome evoked potential and computer averaging approaches have not helped us to analyze and compare desynchronized sleep physiology with that of waking in an effective way". 51. 2020 Nov 12;11:565694. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.565694. The very essence of dreams is, certainly, memorized information. The other is that dreams are caused by forebrain activation by dopamine. Ann Rev Psychol 1990;41:557-884. 6. McNiss, in his book Philosophy of Sleep, published in 1854, agreed with Aristotle, regarding eye movements as a consequence of visual dreams, and Pinkerton, in Sleep and its Phenomena, also took the facial movements of dogs and cats during sleep as a manifestation of dreams (4,5). However, interruption of the pyramidal tract hardly affects the appearance of muscular twitches during desyncronized sleep (83,84) but the reticulospinal tract seems to be involved in such twitches (85) whereas the associaton cortex does not appear to be activated (86). Stimulus response theory of dream: The stimulus response theory which existed prior to Freud is based upon the associationistic stimulus response view. This theory stresses the relationship between brain changes during sleep and changes in perceptual efficiency. Some disturbing stimuli force activity into one portion of the cerebral cortex. Hence, experiments with such animals are extremely valuable and thus will be emphasized in the present review. 127. On the functional role of consciousness. 33. 8. In 1944 Obhlmeyer, Brilmayer & Uhlstrung (10) observed that in humans penile erection occurs during sleep at intervals of 85 minutes, which is the average duration of a sleep cycle. With developments in understanding of the neurophysiology of REM sleep, new theories of dreaming were proposed. eCollection 2021 Aug 12. Such movements occur while motoneurons are being inhibited through hyperpolarization of their membrane (41,75). Marini G. Motor phenomena during sleep. When the rat moves the head, for example (which may indicate a vestibular dream), heart rate goes up and may be as high as 330 bpm, similar to that occurring during attentive behavior. Consciousness in waking and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation and neuromodulation in determining similarities and differences. 134. As shown in figure 11, comparison of the instant voltage of theta waves among several regions of the brain shows that the correlation coefficient (r) may be very high. Pontine cholinergic neurons show fos-like immunoreactivity associated with cholinergically induced REM sleep. Brain activity during this time keeps us Neurology 1999;53:2193-5. The discovery of the close association between rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and dreaming and development of sleep laboratory techniques ushered in a new era in the study of dreams. Physiol Behav 1974;12:293-5. As any neural information, it has to be analyzed, so that the nervous impulses, which carry it be decoded and integrated as a specific neural configuration, that contains all the information released (or revoked) from the mnemonic archives. 115. and transmitted securely. WebAbstract. Possible role for the transcription factor zif268/egr-1, polyoma enhancer activator 3, and AP2. Editor-translator: Gallop, D., Aris & Phillips Ltd., Warminster, England 1991. Both frequency and voltage of theta waves in rats generally increase during oniric activity, as depicted in figure 7, and in figure 8 a clearcut episode of visual oniric activity is expressed as a potent increase in theta waves frequency and voltage, concomitantly with a burst of eye movements. The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). WebPsychoanalytic theory of dream: Advanced by Freud, the psychoanalytic theory of dream stands as the most valid and fundamental among all the theories of dream. Physiol., Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1972:166-307. C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1938;128:533-9. However, we still do not know why most motor units are inactivated while a few ones are mobilized, causing real but incoherent and non-efficient movements. 11. With the development of scientific technology, many theories of dreaming have been established. Therefore, the wider is the eye rotation, the higher is the recorded potential, which occurs when the eyes are scanning the environment. During the first half of the twentieth century, despite the heavy influence of psychoanalysis, dreaming was again but sporadically studied scientifically. Sleep 1999;22:409-18. In humans, both reflex activities are also deeply inhibited during desynchronized sleep. Thanks to the extraordinary possibilities of functional connections that take place in the brain when the "basic circuitries of our personality are programmed", dreams do contribute to shape new solutions for new problems. 8600 Rockville Pike Behav Brain Res 1995;69:203-6. Longitudinal studies. Oniric behaviors, as any other behavior during wakefulness, comprise two types of identifiable manifestations: motor and vegetative. Cole AJ, Saffen DW, Baraban JM, Worley PF. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:793-842. Front Neurol. Fratelli Bocca Editori, Torino 1899. Braun AR, Balkin TJ, Wesenten NJ, Carson RE, Varga M, Baldwin P, et al. Braz J Med Biol Res 1996;29:1645-50. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. J Neurophysiol 1966;29:871-87. 98. 46. Raven Press, New york 1981:405-429. Stern W, Forbes WN, Morgane PJ. (1991) and Lovblad et al. 3. 132. During REM sleep, several physiological changes also take place. Inasmuch as all this relevant knowledge is entirely ignored, we hope the present review may help in rescuing it (4). The substrate, physiological mechanism, and function of dreaming have been explained by many scientists from the neurological, psychiatric, psychological, and philosophical perspective. If this hypothesis is correct, it is no surprise that the phases of wakefulness and sleep are expressed in the cerebellar cortex by means of electrophysiological potentials. The pressure also exhibits a series of bumps, that may be related to dreaming activity (figure 6) (62). 5. In: C. Guilleminaut, W. C. Dement and P. Passouant (eds.) Dreams in which walking occurs are very common (4,5) and coincide with limb movements, however faulty. (57). Proc Assoc Res Nerv Ment Dis. Time course of foslike immunoreactivity associated with cholinergically induced REM sleep. 54. In some mammals only one hemisphere at a time may be in desynchronized sleep. to the nervous tissue and muscles during the activation of the circuits that program and execute a particular behavior; and 2. In other words, they're simply a byproduct of brain processes during sleep. Berlucchi G. Mechanismen von Schlafen und Wachen. Christy B, Nathans D. DNA binding site of the growth factor-inducible protein Zif268. Chase MH, Morales FR. Roussy F, Camirand C, Foulkes D, De Koninck J, Loftis M, Kerr NH. Unfortunately, despite the opinion of great scientists of the past, most researchers that deal with sleep and dreaming, probably moved by philosophical, religious prejudice and a faulty reasoning, do not accept the idea that non-human animals do dream. Behav Brain Res 1997;84:109-16. Winson J. For instance, zif-268 has been shown to induce the expression of a synapse-specific protein, synapsin II (101), and has been linked to the induction of hippocampal long-term potentiation (102,103) and other plasticity phenomena. For instance, during desynchronized sleep theta waves, in rats, are highly coherent in nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and in the fronto-parietal cortex, as well as with the hippocampus (78). However, we all know that many dreams are not emotional at all. Theories on the function of REM sleep and dreaming, with which it has a contingent relationship, remain diverse. Brain activity during this time keeps us functioning and ready to process information when we wake up the next morning! Sleep 1982;5:169-87. 112. Douglas NJ. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. In cats, during movements related to dreams such hyperpolarization is reinforced by presynaptic inhibition of afferents to motoneurons. Am J Physiol 1937;118:8-14. These authors argue that despite the marked suppression of desynchronized sleep provoked by tricyclic antidepressants neither selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors and mono-amino-oxydase nor learning and memory are disrupted. J Ment Nerv Dis 1966;141:623-50. According to Revonsuo (2000), memories of such events are probably over-represented in the brain. Important dream theories are Freud's interpretation of dreams, Therefore, it seems that there are two major descending pathways from the rostral pons to the medulla that mediate muscle atonia during desynchronized sleep, one involved in the tonic and the other in the phasic muscle inhibition. 4 According to Freud, By visually examining the amplitude of theta waves in these examples it seems they vary at random but when the instant variation of voltage is plotted as a function of time, a regular variation appears during the phasic movements (figure 10). Ribeiro S, Goyal V, Mello CV, Pavlides C. Brain gene expression during REM sleep depends on prior waking experience. In ancient Greece, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle discussed about the meaning of dreams, concluding that the prevailing mistic and mythic concepts about them were incorrect. Thomas J, Benoit O. Individualisation d'un sommeil ondes lentes et activit phasique. Control of upper airway motoneurons during REM sleep. Our hypothesis is that the cerebellum is involved in overall corrections of the components of all kinds of behavior, including sleep. Roldan E, Weiss TT. Although such movements are not always obviously compatible with the dream content (27), as should be expected (see below), as a rule they can be related to the dreams. No wonder that dream recall is impaired in brain-damaged patients (97). J Physiol (Paris) 1984;79:365-74. The hypothesis has been recently put forward by Revonsuo (2000) that the function of dreaming is to simulate threatening events, and to rehearse threat perception and threat avoidance (111). According to Hobson, Pace-Schotter & Stickgold (2000), since image studies show activation of "limbic" and "paralimbic" structures of the forebrain during desynchronized sleep, as compared to wakefulness (120,126-128), emotion may be a primary shaper of dream plots, rather than playing a secondary role plot instigation. He gives De Sanctis S. I Sogni e il Sonno. While the how and why of dreaming may be explored using physiological and biological methods, dreaming is also a subjective experience involving a form of mentation that can offer representations of an individual's internal world. The lag between tachycardia and eye movements may be related to all the neural processes that are involved in the phases preceding adn succeeding the oniric behavior, including the very identification of the dream content. Sleep and dreaming: induction and mediation of REM sleep by cholinergic mechanisms. In addition, blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery decreases during synchronized sleep whereas in desynchronized sleep it is similar to that occurring in waking (133). Erlbaum, 1992. Whereas Freud was convinced that dream forgetting was an active function of repression, Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) attribute the failure to recall a dream to a state-dependent amnesia caused by aminergic demodulation of the sleeping brain (120). Energy conservation theory posits that the main function of sleep is to reduce a person's energy demand during part of the day and night when it is least efficient to hunt for food. Physiol Behav 1970;5:402-7. In rats only the frontal cortex presents desynchronization whereas in all the remaining cortex, and in many subcortical sites, the electro-oscillograms oscillate as theta waves. In fact, we ignore almost completely why we dream. In addition, zif-268 is up-regulated in several novelty or learning behavioral paradigms, including two-way active avoidance (104), brightness discrimination (105), and enriched environment exposure (106). Regional cerebral blood flow throughout the sleep-cyle an (H2O)-O-15 PET study. Esoteric power, useless, useful: considerations about dreams in cognitive-behavioural therapy. This seems to be a highly improbably conception, among other reasons because, as dreaming is concerned, threatening events are as dangerous to the organism as bad news we hear and as crossing a street or watching a movie-film full of violence are as well. Van de Castle RL. However, reflex penile erection is facilitated after spinal transection whereas mesencephalic transections significantly increase the latency to its reflex induction, without affecting the percentage of tests eliciting an erectile event. (eds.) In cats, Guazzi, Baccelli & Zanchetti (1966) demonstrated that due to such a cardiovascular hypoactivity the sensory afferents from glomus carotideus and glomus aorticus, that carry information from chemoreceptors sensitive to a decrease in oxygen blood concentration, attain an overwhelming relevance, inasmuch as following the transection of such afferents blood pressure goes continuously down during desynchronized sleep, leading to death (63). Some more recent theories of dreaming emphasize an adaptive function related to emotion and a role in learning and memory consolidation. Despite such discrepancies, however, during synchronized sleep PRT studies reveal a decrease in global cerebral energy metabolism relative to both waking and desynchronized sleep. Kleitman N. Sleep and Wakefulness. Salivary, gastric, enteric, pancreatic and billiary secretion and contraction of the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal viscera are specific vegetative components of feeding behavior, as well as secretion of luteotropic hormone, increase in cavernous blood pressure and vaginal blood flow and several other endocrine adjustments are part and characteristic of sexual behavior. 64. 50. Changes in neuronal activity in association cortex of the cat in relation to sleep and wakefulness. Generally, in humans oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, what is obviously linked to vision as the main human sensory channel. ), Ermdung, Schlaf un Traum, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Sttutgart 1971:123-172. To what degree, and in what way, implications can be drawn from these findings for the psychology of dreaming is controversial. The subjects of dreams are broad-ranging and complex, incorporating self-image, fears, insecurities, strengths, grandiose ideas, sexual orientation, desire, jealousy and love". Brain Develop 1994;16:81-91. Visual dreams provoke eye movements. Dreaming 1996;6:121-30. It is most likely an elementary brain activity in homeotherms and thus, if dreaming has a function, it probably plays a similar role in the human brain and in nonhuman brains as well. Brain Res 1996;770:192-201. Learn Mem 1999;6:500-8. Brain warning function for REM-sleep. 4. Reticulospinal and reticulobulbar tracts are involved in conveying to the motoneurons the impulses that cause oniric movements. 58. Absence of ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) spikes in rats. 105. In: Klemm, W. R. & Vertes, R. P. Eye movements during dreaming are usually expressed as potentials of different voltages, which can be interpreted as due to distinct movements performed as a function of the movements of the dreamed of objects. Our data with rats are quite consistent as to the variation of blood pressure and heart rate during oniric activity. Grimm R, Tischmeyer W. Complex patterns of immediate gene induction in rat brain following brightness discrimination training and pseudotraining. Recently, theta waves frequency were proved in our Laboratory to be linearly related to intelligence in rats, as evaluated by the time necessary to learn operant conditioning tasks (77). Science 1953;118:273-4. Bookshelf 92. Two major theories have been proposed regarding the neural circuits involved in dreaming. It is well known that during desynchronized sleep the pupil undergoes an increase in diameter (midriasis), which is not produced by direct sympathetic activation but rather to parasympathetic inactivation, that overcomes the tonic pupillary constrictor activity of the parasympathetic system during synchronized sleep. Essential manifestations of dreaming are the conscious experience, the electrophysiological, the motor and the vegetative expression of oniric behaviors in humans as well as in other animals. Brain Res 1985;327:362-6. 85. There are two kinds of vegetative components: 1. Kuboyama T, Hori A, Sato T, Mikami T, yamaki T, Ueda S. Changes in cerebral blood flow velocity in healthy young men during overnight sleep and while awake.Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. Shiromani PJ, Winston S, McCarley RW. Valle AC. Ergebn. Hypotheses attributing a function to dreams tend to invoke reasons not well founded and in some cases they are rather fancy or even mystic. FOIA In fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep, occur in the cerebellar cortex. However, psychoanalysts take into account only a few dreams that are occasionally recalled, despite the fact that we dream four or five episodes every night, what means that the fraction of dreams we can recall is a small portion of what we in fact do experience as dreams. Way, implications can be drawn from these findings for the psychology of dreaming were.! Rather fancy or even mystic eye movements, what points to its participation in dreaming activity Saffen DW, JM! Forebrain activation by dopamine, Baldwin P, et al high prevalence of dreams is, certainly, memorized.! Waking and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation and neuromodulation in determining similarities and differences Dement... 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